Email Templates

Use Global Email Templates to create email templates and set default branding for your emails. Access Global Email Templates at Resources --> Global Email Templates

Under Custom Branding, add a logo and select colors to be included by default for all event emails.

If Custom Branding is set as the default, you'll see a message notifying you of this in your Email Sequences tab of an event, and you won't need to add a logo in the Email Sequences tab for that event.

Back in resources-email templates, you can also add Virtual or In Person Email templates to quickly add emails to your Email Sequences. Click Add a New Email Template under the Virtual Events or In Person events.

Add the message name, email subject and email body and select the Email Sequence type.

You can also save Email Templates from within an event. When creating Email Sequences, by clicking the Save as Template check box. Applicable templates can be selected in the Choose Email Template field.

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