Using Scanning Feature to Manually Sign in Attendees
The Scanning feature allows organizers to track in person attendance by scanning attendees QR codes or by manually signing attendees in and out.
Setting a Threshold and Assigning a Volunteer
When Scanning is selected as the method of Attendance Tracking for an In Person event, the Sign In/Out tab will become visible for each session offering CE credits.
Here the event organizer will set a time threshold for how long an attendee must be present in order to receive CE credits by dragging the slider bar and clicking Save Threshold Settings.
Organizers can assign a volunteer to scan attendees in and out by clicking the Add a Volunteer button, and enter the volunteer's name and email address. Organizer's can then email the volunteer a link which allows them to use their smart phone or a blue tooth connected 2D scanner to check attendees in and out.
Manually Signing In/Out Attendees as a Volunteer
An organizer can either share the Volunteer link via sending an email from their CE-Go account, or directly sharing the link by copying and pasting it outside of the CE-Go system.
The link is mobile responsive making it easy for Volunteers to sign in/out attendees directly from their smart phone or device. When opening the link on your device, click the menu button to display the following options: Scan In, Scan Out, and View Roster.
Select View Roster to manually sign in/out attendees. This will display a list of registered attendees.
Click on an attendee's name to bring up their attendance record. By default you will open up the attendee's Sign In tab. To sign the attendee in, click OK to confirm they have been checked in.After the attendee has been signed in, the sign in time will appear by their name.
💡If the time does not appear, you may need to refresh the page.
After the session is over, you will need to make sure to sign out attendees. From the Attendee Roster, click the attendee's name, then select the Sign out tab and click OK to confirm the attendee's sign out time.
The attendee's sign out time will now also be displayed on the list of attendees.
💡Keep in mind that attendees can only be signed out if they have already been signed in. Make sure to sign in all attendees before attempting to sign out attendees.
💡Attendees cannot be signed in or out more than an hour after the session has been scheduled to end. If an attendee needs to be signed in or our more than an hour after the session has ended, attendance should be updated manually in the CE-Go organizer account. See Updating Attendee Status for more information.
Attendees who have been signed in long enough to reach the attendance threshold will be marked "passed" for that session and able to complete their evaluation for the session on their Attendee Dashboard.