Manually Uploading Attendance
If you have selected Manual Tracking option to Track In Person Attendance for your event, after the event is over you will need to upload your records to mark attendees passed or absent for relevant session.
Attendees will only be able to complete their evaluations and access their certificates after having their attendance record updated.
If you are manually tracking attendance, we suggest keeping a sign in sheet to verify attendance. Then use the excel upload template to create a file with your event's finalized attendance record.
💡When completing the excel upload template, make sure that the First Name, Last Name and Email of the attendee corresponds exactly to the information entered by the attendee at registration.
Recording Attendance for a Single Session Event
In this excel upload template, complete the following fields for each attendee:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Status - for each attendee enter either passed or absent
💡Additional fields are optional. If included they will update the attendee's record with the indicated information.
Recording Attendance for a Multi-Session Event
In the excel upload template, complete the following fields for each attendee:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Session Code - For multi session events enter the session code for each session the attendee did in fact attend, separated by a comma (e.g. S1, S2, S9).
Note: for single session events, no session code is required. - Status - enter passed
Upload Attendance Record
From the Attendee Roster, select Upload Attendees:
Follow the prompts to Choose a File and add your excel upload template with attendee information. Then select Process Import.
After uploading your excel template, your Attendee Roster will update to reflect the status of your registered attendees. This process may take several minutes. If the statuses are not updating after several minutes, refresh your browser to update the page.