Updating Attendee Status
The Attendee menu displays an attendee's status.
Prior to an event taking place, successfully registered attendees display the status Registered. If you have removed an attendee from the event, the status for the attendee will be shown as Removed. Removed attendees will not receive any automated emails regarding your event or have any access to your event.
After a session or event has completed, Attendee Status will update based on the attendance records of the attendee. An attendee's status for a session will affect their access to an evaluation and certificate on their Attendee Dashboard.
After an event is over, attendees of single session events may be marked Passed, Failed, or Absent. For multi-session events, attendees who have attended at least one session will be marked Attended. Click on an attendee's name in the Attendee Roster to access Attendee Status for individual sessions.
Passed attendees have met the attendance threshold for a session and are able to access an evaluation and receive credit on a certificate for that session on their Attendee Dashboard. Attendees who have attended some portion of the session, but did not meet the attendance threshold are marked Failed. Attendees who did not attend the session are marked Absent. Failed and Absent attendees are unable to access the session's evaluation on their Attendee Dashboard or receive credit for attending the session on their certificate. For more information on accessing evaluations and certificates via the Attendee Dashboard, see The Attendee Experience.
If an Attendee Status is incorrectly marked, you may wish to change that status. For example, if an attendee is present the entire session, but are marked Absent, you will need to manually update their status in order to mark them Passed so they can access their evaluation and receive credit for attending the session.
Update Individual Attendee Status
To update a single attendee's status, select the attendee from the Attendee roster in order to access more detailed information about the attendee. Use the buttons under the Actions heading to update the attendee's status for each session. The changes in status will be reflected on the attendee's Dashboard. For example, if they are updated to be marked Passed a session, they will now be able to complete their evaluation and receive credit for the session.
Bulk Update Attendee Status
If you need to update multiple attendee's statuses. You can do so directly from the Attendee roster. Select the attendees whose status you wish to update by checking the boxes next to their names, then select Updated Session Status from the Actions drop down menu.
In the window pop up window, select the status and session you would like to update, then click Update.
The Statuses will now update on your Attendee roster and reflected on the attendee's Dashboard. For example, if they are updated to be marked Passed a session, they will now be able to complete their evaluation and receive credit for the session.
Email Attendee Dashboard Access
Since updating Attendee Status affects the attendee's Dashboard and access to their evaluations and credit, you may wish to send the Attendee access to their Attendee Dashboard to complete any outstanding evaluations.
Select the attendees who you wish to email by checking the boxes next to their names, then select Email Attendee from the Actions drop down menu.
In the pop up window, personalize the email by adding a subject line and body of the email, and check the Attendee Dashboard Link box, to ensure the link is sent as part of the email. Then click Send.