Administering Your Activity
Opening Registration on your Landing Page
Once your event has been set up in CE-Go, and your sessions have been reviewed and approved, you can open registration by sharing your CE-Go generated Landing Page link wherever you anticipate attendees registering. Your landing page is designed to ensure board compliance and cosponsored organizations are required to collect registrations using this landing page.
Attendees will register using your landing page and receive a series of Email Sequences with access to their Attendee Dashboard. The Attendee Dashboard is the virtual location of your event. Here, attendees can join any virtual sessions for your event, complete evaluations for any sessions attended, download certificates, and more.
Attendee Dashboard for Virtual Attendees
If attendees are registered for a virtual event, they will see an agenda and links to join each virtual session. Attendees can click Join Webinar to launch Zoom and access each virtual session.
After the session is over, if the attendee has met the attendance requirements and is eligible for CE credits, Join Webinar will be replaced by Start Evaluation.
If an attendee did not meet the required attendance requirements or was absent, they'll see a notification indicating the attendance requirement has not been met. They will not be able to complete an evaluation or receive CE credits for that session.
Attendee Dashboard for In Person Attendees
The Attendee Dashboard for In Person attendees may look slightly different depending upon what method of Attendance Tracking has been selected. Once an attendee has been marked as "Passed" for a session, they will be able to indicate which sessions they attended on their Attendee Dashboard, and complete the evaluations for those session. Attendees will not be able to indicate they have attended two concurrent sessions, taking place at the same time, and they will not be able to indicate they have attended a session prior to the session's scheduled end time.
Accessing Attendee Certificate
Once all session and event evaluations are completed, Virtual and In Person attendees will be able to download a PDF copy of their certificate on their attendee dashboard by clicking Download CE Certificate.