Managing CFP Submissions

The CE-Go Call for Presentations (CFP) feature allows Event Organizers to collect presentation proposals from prospective presenters. On your submission list, you can search submissions, view Active, In Progress, and Archived submissions, as well as approve or reject Submissions, and assign reviewers to Submissions. 

Viewing Submissions and Submission Actions

To view and manage your CFP submissions, click View Submissions next to the CFP you would like to view submissions for.

From the submission list, you can view all Active, In Progress, or Archived submissions, as well as use the search bar and filter function to find any submissions. Click on the title of a submission to view the Submission Details.

When viewing Submission Details, Event Organizers can Manage Reviewers (see Enabling Review for a Call for Presentations), mark submissions Approved / Not Selected, Archive or Delete submissions, and Create a session for an upcoming CE-Go hosted Event or Add to an existing Event using these Submission Details. You can also Email Presenter(s), and manage the submission in variety of other ways.

💡 When Approving or Not Selecting submissions, your prospective presenter will receive an automated email notifying them of the decision, so make sure to configure your Email Notifications for your CFP. For info on configuring your Email Notifications, see Creating a Call for Presentations.

💡If your Reviewers have completed their Review of the Submission, this window will display Reviewer feedback as well as the Submission Details.

From the Submission List, select multiple sessions via the check-box to the right of the Submission Title to apply certain bulk actions (highlighted below).

💡 Archived submissions have limited actions that can be applied. You will need to Unarchive these submissions from the Actions menu, to move them back to the Active list, and perform any actions.

Viewing Presenter Information

From the submission list, click on a Primary Presenter or Co-Presenter's name to view any disclosures or Additional Forms that are part of the CFP.

Here you can view any Disclosures or Additional Forms the Primary Presenter or Co-Presenter's have answered, and log in to the presenter's Member Account if necessary.

💡By default the Primary Presenter will have completed all Additional Forms in order to submit their proposal. A red 'x' next to a Co-Presenter, means they have not yet completed entering their Basic Info or Additional Forms. A green check, indicates they have completed the Information and forms.

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