Setting up your Virtual Exhibitor Booth
Here at CE-Go, we know how important Sponsors and Exhibitors are for supporting events and providing useful resources to event attendees. If your organization is participating in a CE-Go hosted virtual exhibitor hall, we want to make the process of participating as easy as possible for you!
Sponsors and Exhibitors are added to CE-Go hosted events by your event organizer on their CE-Go Organizer dashboard. This article is intended to to help guide Exhibitors or Organizers in setting up their Virtual Exhibitor Booth. For information on how to add Sponsors and Exhibitors to your event as an event organizer, see Sponsors.
After adding your organization to an event, your event organizer will then email you a link to set up and view your Virtual Exhibitor Booth.
You can set up your Virtual Exhibitor Booth by clicking the blue Exhibitor button in the email, or using the link your event organizer provided for you.

Once you’ve arrived at your Exhibit Booth Setup link, follow the prompts to add information about your organization, a description of your organization, and update your organization’s logo if you wish.
If your event organizer has designated a time for you to meet virtually with attendees, you can supply a meeting link URL where attendees can join you during that designated time.
💡Your meeting link will only be displayed to attendees during the designated time.
If your event organizer has made discounted tickets available for your organization, you can access those tickets and register representatives of your organization on the indicated link.
You can also add different kinds of content for attendees to download, or set up a Giveaway.
After setting up your Virtual Exhibitor Booth, you can preview how your booth appears to attendees.
Attendees will access the Virtual Exhibitor Hall from their Attendee Dashboard.
Here they can see all the Virtual Exhibitor Hall Booths, and navigate to your Booth by clicking visit booth.
You can track your Booth Leads from the Set Up Portal to see who has been accessing your Virtual Exhibitor Booth.
If you have set up a Giveaway, you can randomly select a winner from attendees who have entered the Giveaway, then follow up outside of the CE-Go platform to let them know they’ve won.