
Under the Sponsors tab you will add the sponsors for your event.

If you have different sponsorship tiers or types, start by creating Categories. 

Click +Create New Category to add a new sponsor category to the list and select settings for that sponsor category.

  • Add Complementary Registration Tickets for that sponsorship category, enables you to determine the discount amount and number of discounted tickets the sponsors in that category will receive. 
  • Add to Exhibit Hall enables all sponsors of that category to appear in the Virtual Exhibit Hall on the Attendee Dashboard
  • Enable Exhibit Booth assigns sponsor of that category to set up a Virtual Exhibit booth, accessible via the Attendee Dashboard. If you would like to allow sponsors in this category a time slot to virtually connect with your attendees via their Exhibit booth, click +add a day to select that day and time.

    To view the Virtual Exhibitors Booth, press View on the sponsors list. 

💡 If you do not wish to use the Virtual Exhibitor Booth or any of the features associates with sponsor categories, you can skip adding categories and simply add sponsors without categories!

After creating categories, click +Add a New Sponsor and follow the prompts to add the Sponsor information. By clicking Enable Exhibit Booth a sub menu will appear where you can define what day and time that sponsor will be available in the Exhibit Hall. Once you've completed the details of the Sponsorship Category click Submit

Once you've added all of your categories, you can click +Add a New Sponsor, to begin adding your event sponsors, and follow the prompts to add some basic details about your sponsor and make sure to indicate the relevant Sponsor Category. Click Submit to save the Sponsor.

  • Sponsor Description displays a short description underneath your sponsor's logo or image on the Landing Page.
  • If you plan on using Sponsor Email Sequences, add the email address of the person you want to make sure receives those emails in the Sponsor Email field. This will help you stay in touch and communicate important information with your Sponsors.
  • Sponsor URL allows attendees to click on the sponsor logo on your landing page and be redirected to the Sponsor's URL.

Once you've added your sponsors you will now see them listed under the  Sponsors tab.

💡If your Sponsor has a Virtual Exhibitor Booth enabled, you can also access their Portal URL/Booth Set Up Link, you can email the sponsor contact the Booth Set up Link, and you can directly access their Landing URL/Virtual Exhibitor Booth Link. For more information, see Setting up your Virtual Exhibitor Booth.

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