The Review Process

After adding your educational content and session information to your CE-Go event, your account manager will assign your Session and Event Details (if applicable) to a member of the review team who will verify the CE Requirements have been met.

Review Status

For each session or event that has been assigned to a reviewer and is pending review, within your organizer account, you'll see a yellow checkmark to indicate that the review is in process. For events/sessions that have officially been approved by your reviewer, you'll see a green checkmark. Events/session that have been rejected by your reviewer will display a red checkmark.

Access your Review

You can access your review to see how your reviewer(s) reviewed your session and see any feedback and also chat with your reviewers.

Access Review from Notifications

If your reviewers left any comments, you will see a notification in your CE-Go account. You can click on the Notification from the drop down menu to be taken to your review. This will take you directly to your Review page for the session

Access Review from Member Dashboard

You can also access your review by logging into your Member Dashboard.

From the Member Dashboard, select Review Sessions and click on the title of the session to access the review.

Review Page

Under the Session Info tab on your session's review page you can see all the information submitted to your reviewer and the reviewer checklist for ensuring cosponsorship requirements are met.

On the Discussion tab you can view any feedback or comments from your reviewer and account manager. You can also contribute to the discussion and respond and interact directly with the review team here.

After Your Review Status has been Updated

After reviewing your session, your reviewer will leave a comment and you'll receive a notification. You can follow the notification prompts and see updates on the review page to respond to any requests or feedback from your reviewer.

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