Offering CE Credits

Offering CE credits with CE Learning Systems and CE-Go

A jointly provided activity is one that is planned, implemented and evaluated by an accredited provider and a non-accredited entity to offer continuing education (CE) and continuing medical education (CME) credits to event attendees. Planning a jointly provided event or activity is a useful solution for organizations that would like to offer CE and CME credits for their events, but do not have the requisite accreditations.

Qualifying CE-Go client organizations may collaborate with CE Learning Systems to jointly provide credits to healthcare professionals for attending events administered using the CE-Go platform. Jointly providing with CE Learning Systems, using the CE-Go platform is a great way to offer healthcare professionals continuing education credits..

CE-Go streamlines the process for jointly providing with CE Learning Systems. Organizations seeking to jointly provide will work in collaboration with our continuing education team to ensure familiarity with accreditation requirements and the nature of inter-professional education. Proposed educational content and event details will be reviewed and receive feedback from our continuing education team via the CE-Go platform. After the collaborative planning and approval process, the jointly provided activity will be administered via the CE-Go platform, and attendees can easily obtain the credits earned by participating in your event.

What Disciplines can use these CE credits?

CE Learning Systems is jointly accredited to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. Qualifying educational activities may be able to offer continuing education credits for the following disciplines:


Session Details

For each educational session associated with your live event or self-paced course, you'll need to submit the following details:

  • Abstract or Description: Let your reviewers and audience know what the session is about in a 3-5 sentence narrative description of the session.
  • Agenda: Provide a detailed schedule for each educational session of a live event, that includes an introductions or Q&A time.
  • Learning Objectives: List at least 3 learning objectives that describe what skills or capabilities attendees will acquire by attending the session.
  • References: Provide 5 references or citations for each session. Of those five, three should be from peer reviewed journal articles published within the last 5 years.
  • Presenter CV or Resume: Add your presenter's full curriculum vitae or resume to establish expertise. CV’s should include the dates of any licensures or certifications.
  • Exam*: Provide an exam for your self-paced course from a subject matter expert. This requirement only applies to self-paced courses. Live events do not require any exams.


For each live event or self-paced course, we'll need to collect a few forms from presenters and activity planners

  • Needs and Gaps: Event organizers should answer several questions to help articulate what needs and gaps their activity seeks to solve and how the Event plans to solve it.
  • Disclosure: Complete disclosures for each planner and presenter involved in your event, reporting financial relationships with any ineligible companies.

Event Details

For any conference or live event with more than one session, you'll need to provide a few additional details about the overall live event. 

  • Event Description: Describe to reviewers what learners will gain from attending the overall event.
  • Event Learning Objectives: List at least 3 learning objectives that describe what skills or capabilities attendees will acquire by attending the overall event.
  • Event References: Provide 5 references or citations that are relevant to the overall event. Of those five, three should be from peer reviewed journal articles published within the last 5 years.

IPCE Requirements

Activities that involve more than one professional discipline from the below list of discipline categories have an additional form to complete indicating the answers to two questions.

  • How do you plan to foster learning among different professional disciplines? Answers may include panel discussions, networking groups, forums or chat groups, case studies, breakout groups, interactive tools (e.g. polls, chat prompts, whiteboards, etc.), or other.
  • Which Core Competency has been incorporated as part of planning for this IPCE activity? Answers may include Values and Ethics, Communication, Roles and Responsibilities, or Teams and Teamwork.
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