Frequently Asked Questions
Now that you're registered to attend a training event, here are a few helpful tips to ensure a smooth learning experience.
What is the Attendee Dashboard?
The Attendee Dashboard is your unique, and individualized hub that has everything you need to be a successful during your event. When you first registered for your event, you should have received a welcome email that provides a link to your Attendee Dashboard. To access your Attendee Dashboard, click on the blue button near the bottom of the email.
Note: The Attendee Dashboard is personalized to your registration information. This will be used to track your attendance and eligibility for CE credit. Please do not share your attendee link with anyone else, as this can jeopardize your CE eligibility.
Note: Please pay attention to the time zone and ensure you join at the correct time.
For more information on the Attendee Dashboard, please visit this link: Virtual Event Attendee Dashboard
How do I join the Zoom call?
If you're attending a virtual training event, you'll need to join the Zoom webinar from your Attendee Dashboard to earn CE credit. When you navigate to your Attendee Dashboard you'll see information about your event, as well as two buttons on the right-hand side: the blue "Materials" button, and the green "Join Webinar" button. Click "Join Webinar" to access the Zoom call.
Note: During a Zoom webinar you are an "Attendee" and will only see the Host and their shared screen. You cannot see or hear other Attendees, and they cannot hear or see you.
How do I enable closed captions?
If you require closed captions (CC) to be enabled during the webinar, you can set this with your Zoom settings. Click on the "Show Captions" icon to enable your captions, and click on the upward arrow to change the caption settings. These settings can be saved to allow closed captions to be auto-enabled for each Zoom webinar or meeting you attend.
Note: Within the captions settings, you are also able to access a transcript of the meeting.
Where is the Evaluation?
Once your training event concludes and you have met the attendance requirement, your Attendee Dashboard will update to grant you access to your Evaluation. In order to complete this Evaluation, you'll need to click on the blue "Start Evaluation" button to the right-hand side of your Attendee Dashboard.
Where is my CE Certificate?
After your complete the Evaluation, your Attendee Dashboard will update again and allow you to download a PDF copy of your CE certificate. Click on the blue "Download CE Certificate" button on your Attendee Dashboard.
Note: You will need to verify your credentials and licensure details in order to download a copy.
Note: If you hold multiple licenses, you can delete and re-enter your other licensure details and download another copy of the CE certificate. Repeat this as many times as needed.
Minimum Attendance Not Met
In order to be eligible for CE credit, you must attend a majority of the "live" presentation during its scheduled time. If your time in session falls below this threshold, you will be made ineligible for CE credit for this training event. Be sure that you have planned your schedule accordingly to ensure you can attend the entire presentation.
Note: Remember that your attendance is tracked via your Attendee Dashboard. If you attend the Zoom webinar from a separate account, or from your phone number, the system will not recognize that this is you.
For more information on CE credit attendance requirements, please click on this link: Minimum Attendance Not Met