Required Session Details

What are Session Detail Requirements?

For each educational session associated with your live event or self-paced course, you'll need to submit the following details:

  • Abstract or Description: Let your reviewers and audience know what the session is about in a 3-5 sentence narrative description of the session.
  • Agenda: Provide a detailed schedule for each educational session of a live event that includes an introductions or Q&A time.
  • Learning Objectives: List at least 3 learning objectives that describe what skills or capabilities attendees will acquire by attending the session.
  • References: Provide 5 references or citations for each session. Of those five, three should be from peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last 5 years.
  • Presenter CV or Resume: Add your presenter's full curriculum vitae or resume to establish expertise. CV’s should include the dates of any licensures or certifications.
  • Exam*: Provide an exam for your self-paced course from a subject matter expert. This requirement only applies to self-paced courses. Live events do not require any exams.
  • 2025 Session Detail Requirements

How do I add Session Details in CE-Go?

Add the required session details and presenter information under the Session Details page and Presenter sub tab.

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